Dear Body,
I started again on January 4. As you know, I always start again in January. Something about January just gives me a spirit of change. So five days a week since January 4th, I've been at Anytime Fitness exercising. I know you don't especially like the idea. You seem to like being fat. You've been that way my whole life. You don't like it when I come along and try to change you. But I'm doing it anyway. I've let you have your way for all these years, and now I'm fighting back. I'm in charge now. And I'm winning, too.
I've been tracking your weight daily on an online chart. You're putting up a good fight. Rather than the smooth sloping downward line I was hoping for, it looks like a heart monitor hooked up to someone having a heart attack. But in spite of all the ups and downs, it's on a downhill slope. Yeah, it's heading down. You're getting smaller ounce by ounce, day by day.
Please don't think that because I'm trying to lose half of you, I don't love you. Just the opposite is true. By losing half of you I can love what's left even more. So please, work with me. Let's get along. If we work all year, then when next January rolls around, we won't need to start again, but just keep going. It will be much easier that way for both of us.